Children need financial support but is seems that child maintenance – the how much and how long for – can be a problem whoever you are and however much money you have. Not many of us are in the realms of Brad and Angelina. She says he is not paying any meaningful maintenance. He says he lent her …
News & Views
Child care costs how much??
The BBC news website reports parents are paying on average £133.34 per week for ONE child. This is what they say: (copy and past into your browser) That's an astonishing figure and a sobering one when you consider the findings of the Joseph …
Sorting out finances
Finance related figures from the Office for National Statistics show that 48% of people surveyed aged 16 to 24 from July 2016 to December 2017 said that they would not be able to make ends meet for longer than one month if they lost the main source of income coming into their household. This was …