You’ve sent your court form off, paid the court fee, the court has stamped it and given it a case number, sending it back to you with a date and time to be at court. There will be lots of other information in there, so read it all. Let’s not kid ourselves though. This is tricky stuff and you are …
News & Views
Court delays affecting divorcing couples
Is there anything that can help? There was a time when I could confidently tell a client the actual court process would take about 6 to 9 months - and by that, I mean the time it takes for the court to process the paperwork. Since the launch of the Divorce Centres, the time estimate has crept up …
Married, sort of married, not married. Its all the same, right?
Well, no. Not really. In fact, not at all. To put it simply, you are either married (or in a civil partnership) or you are not. And that is it. There is no such thing as common law husband/wife. Nor are you 'assumed' married or treated like married people if you have lived together for 5 years, …