GOALS. Not those types of goals (see above). I mean, goals. Aims. Future plans. Where are you heading? What does your future picture look like?
Going through divorce and separation can be tough. By the time people come to see me as their solicitor, they have already done most of the ‘heavy’ emotional lifting. I think it is necessary and natural to grieve a relationship. To grieve the end of a relationship and what will not now be the future you thought there would be. Of course, grieving for what will not be does not invalidate the happy parts in a relationship. Part of that process, I think, is then moving forward to look at your own future. What are YOUR goals? What does YOUR picture look like now?
Are you staying in the house where you are? Is that possible? Is it fair? Is it affordable? If you are not staying where you are, where will you move to? How much will that cost? How will you pay for it? What will your income be? This is what I mean by assessing your goals. Better to look to the future and plan for that, I think, than to allow anger to take over – about what has been and what you cannot change.
That’s what I encourage my clients to do. Look forward. Get planning. Look to a new and exciting future, with all of the possibilities of what can be instead of dwelling on what is now no more.
If you need help in moving on, contact me.