HELP! Sounds simple doesn’t it? Not sure what to, ask for help. Four letters. Such a little word… but also one of the most difficult to use for a variety of reasons.
Many people I meet are really anxious about meeting a solicitor. Here’s the thing. When you ask for help from a solicitor like me, what you tell me is confidential. (Some very rare exceptions that I have had to invoke once in 24 years). Also, I’ve been working in family law for 24 years and in and around the legal world for 31 years. I wouldn’t bet on me being shocked by anything you tell me. I don’t judge either. That is not my role. That’s the judge’s role. See? We even give them the name for it.
My role as a solicitor I think is to give you sound, practical legal advice, using words that make sense. I give you options and my view of the likely outcomes. Then it is up to you to choose. I’m not going to tell you what to do – unless you are either of my teenage sons reading this. Then I will tell you what to do and I am The Boss. I can tell you what I think are the best options to get you where you want to go – and if you decide to go off piste and do something else, that’s fine. I put forward what you want to do with the same effort and skill – might not get the result you want though. Just sayin’.
I won’t always tell you what you want to hear – but I can promise you I will tell you what you need to hear to be able to make the best decisions for you.
Then, we need to work out a plan of action to get you where you want to be and give you an estimate of the costs. Let’s be straight. Legal costs are an important issue. What you pay for when you have a solicitor is the time is takes for the solicitor to deliver their skill and expertise. I only charge for the work I do and I don’t take longer than I need to but you can be sure the time I do take, is needed, and that is what you are paying for. It’s all wrapped up with 6 years to get qualified post A Levels, 24 years plus of experience and several other additional qualifications along the way, insured and regulated to make sure your best interests are served and protected.
‘Getting help’ can mean different things to different people. It could be some initial advice only or initial advice and having help right the way through, bespoke to you. It really depends on what you want but there are many options. Don’t be afraid to ask. And if you are one of my teenage sons reading this, then do be afraid. I am your Scary Mother. Even if you are both taller than me.