We have a new Form D81 and I really like it. Form D81 has long been a bit of a pain – from the first bland version through versions that were amended with notes to show what goes where. I still found it pretty unhelpful for a busy judge when the figures were given for the assets as they lay and left the judge to work out what the heck the final outcome was. I admit I have packed the form where I can to show how the figures are obtained but getting an agreed form and agreed asset schedule where there is often compromise is not easy – or often desirable as it opens old arguments.
Now to this form. It allows for ‘views’ to be put and I think is more helpful for the judge to see the net effect. I think this form could be used in those cases where you need ‘soft’ financial disclosure – and by that I mean that parties are nearly agreed/or agreed but have never really drilled down to the figures. They have to produce it to get the court order so why not do it in advance as voluntary financial disclosure?
Anyway, download the form HERE.