Apologies to all the Shakespeare fans for the butchering of that quote. It seemed to be appropriate for an interesting case I came across. So, a marriage is a marriage is a marriage, right? Wrong. For a marriage to be validly performed in this jurisdiction (and by that I mean England and Wales) it …
Civil partnerships extended
You may have seen all over the news in June 2018 that the Supreme Court dealt with the issue of civil partnerships for mixed-sex couples. What are civil partnerships? They were created in 2004 to give same-sex couples - who at the time couldn't marry - similar legal and financial protection to …
Married, sort of married, not married. Its all the same, right?
Well, no. Not really. In fact, not at all. To put it simply, you are either married (or in a civil partnership) or you are not. And that is it. There is no such thing as common law husband/wife. Nor are you 'assumed' married or treated like married people if you have lived together for 5 years, …