Well, no. Not really. In fact, not at all. To put it simply, you are either married (or in a civil partnership) or you are not. And that is it.
There is no such thing as common law husband/wife. Nor are you ‘assumed’ married or treated like married people if you have lived together for 5 years, 10 years or any other period of time.
You are either married -whether in the UK or another country where we recognize their marriage ceremony – or you are not.
Well, what’s the big deal?… you might ask. In practical day to day living, not much. However, it is all about the law and the legal status when things go wrong. When you are married and you separate, all of the special law about sorting out married people’s money and property comes in to play. But if you are unmarried and living together, your position is very much different to a married spouse. And if there are children…. that can add further options.
Don’t worry. You’re in safe hands with us. We’ll guide and advise you. It will all work out in the end.
Contact us if we can help.